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Sales training

Netli corporate overview
(PPT: 563 KB / 21 Pages)
Competitive positioning
(PPT: 514 KB / 20 Pages)
Prospecting and selling
(PPT: 235 KB / 22 Pages)
Value propositions and ROI

(PPT: 469 KB / 20 Pages)
Technical training

Installation and support
(PPT: 233 KB / 11 Pages)

      Netli will provide training either onsite, via conference calls, or at Netli's facilities.

Sales training
Sales training consists of the following four major modules: Netli overview, Competitive positioning, Prospecting and selling, Value propositions and ROI cases. Sales Nuts and bolts addresses issues in the early sales process, while Value propositions and ROI cases provides tools to facilitate closing sales.

Technical training
Technical training consists of one module. Installation addresses the mechanics of installing and configuring, testing, and activating a customer web site.
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