Shifting to a 'higher level' human species has occurred before. Long ago on earth, the Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon shared the same valley. The Neanderthal died off and Cro-Magnon advanced to become our common ancestor. Today in Italy there is a group of people who call themselves Damanhurians. They may represent the next stage in human development.
Alexia Parks, Rapid Evolution, The Education Exchange, 2002
Founded in the early 1970's, the Federation of Damanhur in Italy is now an internationally renowned center for spiritual, artistic and social research. Damanhur is an eco-society, a federation of communities and eco-villages with a continuously evolving social and political structure.
The aims of Damanhur are: the freedom and re-awakening of the Human Being as a divine, spiritual and material principle; the creation of a self-sustaining model of life based on ethical principles of good communal living and love; harmonic integration and co-operation with all the Forces linked to the evolution of Humankind.
Since 1998 the Federation of Damanhur has been a full member of GEN Europe. GEN (Global Eco-villages Network) is an NGO comprising hundreds of communities, people and research centers. GEN was founded in 1995. Its main aim is to support and encourage the evolution of sustainable settlements across the world. The UN has recognized GEN as a consulting member of its ECOSOC Commission.
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What if time travel were possible?
The Federation of Damanhur is well known all over the world for its extraordinary experiments, which border on science fiction. By uniting spirituality, art and technology, Damanhur's research groups often succeed in carrying out experiments that contemporary science considers impossible.
A few years ago a prestigious English magazine, Kindred Spirit, published an exclusive article on some of our experiments with time travel and since then the news has spread all over the world. Most people think it's just fantasy, others keep an open mind and wonder about the nature of time and reality as we experience it through the senses.
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