I AM may turn out to be the first major "open source film" project in history. We envision that this first hour-long video edition will inspire thousands of artists in film and music to offer contributions to succeeding versions of the film. We plan a yearly release of I AM, free online and also on DVD, containing an integration of some of the best additions and improvements offered by the I AM Community. We also expect others to create different versions of the film on their own, but you'll always find the best that the community has to offer here, in the opinion of the originators of the project. We're currently actively seeking contributions in specific areas.
Community members who would like to work with the assets of the film to make their own contributions can obtain all of the original media in high resolution and fidelity by purchasing a copy of the DVD, which specifies the terms of license that make possible this kind of open source film project.
Contact us to notify us of your contributions.