Blue Cross of California
Innovative Plans Empowerment Tools
Health Advisor by Subimo™ Healthwise® Knowledgebase Health Improvement Programs MedCall® 24-Hour Nurse Line Provider Performance Profile Blue Cross Perspective
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We understand the value of reliable health care information when facing important health care decisions. A well-informed patient is one who knows how, when, and where to seek the best care, as well as what questions to ask when receiving that care. To keep our members informed, we offer access to the Healthcare Advisor by Subimo to all large-group PPO, POS, and HMO members.

The Health Care Advisor is made up of the following three sections:

Make a Decision
Make a Decision
Allows members to screen hospitals in their area based upon what matters most to them, as well as manage a condition and prepare for an upcoming procedure.

Allows members to get in touch with others sharing similar medical conditions or concerns.

Resource Center
Resource Center
Contains additional information via the Healthwise® Knowledgebase.

Members can access Subimo when they log in to "Member Services" or The hospital screening tool will automatically display the appropriate listing of either PPO hospitals or HMO hospitals, based upon their login ID. Note: For HMO and POS members, HMO benefits only extend to services in hospitals that are aligned with their medical groups (excluding emergencies).

The Subimo web site is operated by Subimo, LLC.

Sample Screens

Sample Screen     Sample Screen

Sample Screen     Sample Screen