The Original Light Table
The Original Light Table, developed by Arthur Franklin, is an advanced technology that greatly enhances your well-being by using sacred geometry, imbedded light language, precious metals, and other multi-dimensional healing methodologies. The table is designed with the highest quality materials to maximize luxurious comfort and durability.
Embedded into the table are 48 vials charged water that contain flower and gem essences, fifteen tones of color and a sacred geometry grid. The table is constructed with metals of 18K gold, copper and brass that are used as energy conductors.
Many ancient civilizations used color and light to enhance their intuitive powers as well as attune their health to higher levels of wellness. In Ayurveda, color is used to balance energy fields or chakras called Nadis. The ancient Egyptians used specially built solarium rooms with different colored glasses for therapeutic benefits. There is also science supported research on the use of color therapy that indicates it balances the endocrine system. Color therapy is an exciting new form of healing brought forward from the Atlantean teachings, and is complimentary to such modalities as kinesiology, acupuncture and other natural healing modalities which are greatly enhanced when performed on the Original Light Table.
In "Messages from Water," Masaru Emoto explains how water is a consummate conductor and container of energy. Since the body is at least two-thirds water, we are highly reactive to the presence of charged water. Our natural response, on a cellular level, is to mimic the aligned energy within the water. The body instantly recognizes these fundamentals geometric patterns and brings itself back into harmony with nature.
These colors as well as their variations on the Light Table send special messages into your system for overall synergistic healing.
Calming. Stimulates the parasympatheic system, reduces blood pressure and calms both breathing and heart-rate. It has anti-inflammatory and muscle relaxing effects. Fights both physical and mental tension and is used to assist in relaxation.
Is used to energise and stimulate. Affects the heart by increasing pulse rate, and the muscles by increasing their tension. Influences vitality, and increases body temperature. Can be used to develop excitement and sensuality.
Increases neuromuscular tone. Purifies blood, helps digestion, and has a cleansing effect. Strongly stimulates happiness, brings on a sense of security, as well as a strong feeling of well-being.
Used for regeneration. Also, provides energy and balances the chronobiological rhythm, by stimulating the production of serotonin, a substance which regulates both sleep and the nervous system. Rebalances the psychophysical and hormonal systems in people who suffer from seasonal depression.
The table assists in the following areas:
- Stress & Tension Reduction
- Deep State of Relaxation
- Increased Creativity
- Enthusiasm for Life
- Renewed Sense of Self